The Commoner

For a long time, I've been meaning to start a blog.  At first I wanted to start a beauty blog, but life consists of more than the latest beauty product available on the market.  I realized that I also love to take pictures of just random things that catch my eye (i.e., the beautiful hibiscus to the left).  I always have my handy point & shoot digital camera or camcorder available in my purse.  This habit drives my family and friends crazy, but I can't help it.  I also like to talk about places I traveled to or visited, which cannot be encapsulated in a beauty blog.  So, I decided on a lifestyle blog about the random every day occurrences of life.

It is not that my life is so enthralling that it would compel people to immediately follow my every move and shake throughout the day.  However, I like to observe and comment on the random events that happen in life.  Whether it's about my favorite beauty product, my latest shopping excursion, travel, movie, TV show, or event or random observation, I like to provide my own two cents, which I admit, sometimes is not appreciated by others and has at times gotten me in trouble.

Everyone has a story.  It doesn't matter if you are famous or not.  I am just a normal average Jane in her thirty-somethings who is a hardworking office monkey, but I have a story (although maybe not as interesting at times, but a story nonetheless).  As such, I remain anonymous to maintain my "commoner identity."  I hope you will stay and follow me through my adventures in life!