Rambling Order

As I start settling into this blog, I am slowly categorizing my posts.  The categories so far are as follows:
  • RAMBLE:  Posts regarding random observations or opinions that I have from time to time...okay, even more frequent than that!...that I can't help, but write about.
  • BEAUTY REVIEW:  Posts that review beauty products, including cosmetics, skin care, nails, hair care, etc.  These beauty posts are also copied and posted on my MakeupAlley account.  You can find my reviews in TWO places now!
  • BOOB TUBE REVIEW:  Posts regarding televisions show that I frequently watch and follow.
  • SHOPPING THERAPY:  Posts basically showing off loot that I recently purchased.  I don't intend to boast, but sometimes I am just so excited that I want to share!  Some people will call these types of posts hauls, but I like to call it shopping therapy.
  • RAVE FAVES:  Posts raving about my favorite items, whether it is about clothes, shoes, or my current favorite snack.  This is where you will find it.
  • PIC PICK:  Posts of my favorite pictures that I shot.  I am an amateur who just likes to take pictures.
  • BOOK LOOK:  Posts regarding books I am starting to read or reviews of books I just finished reading.
Hopefully these categories will make it easier to navigation and referencing.  Enjoy!