Thursday, November 17, 2011

RAMBLE: Get Ready for "Blog-cember!"

Santa and Mrs. Claus in front of Honolulu Hale
Can you believe it?  The holidays are fast approaching and as usual I am no where near ready for the holiday flurry of excitement (and stress).  Pretty soon, 2011 will be over and 2012 will be ringing in.  One of my 2011 resolutions was to start a personal blog, which I did, but failed to keep up with it regularly.  So, in order to fulfill my New Year's resolution, I declare the month of December--"Blog-cember"--where I vow to post an entry daily through the month.

I haven't decided what I am going to post everyday.  It will most likely be an outfit of the day, favorite product, mini haul, etc.  Something fast and easy that I can post.  I'll also try to post reviews as well or maybe even some shopping ideas for the season!

I really want to get back to committing myself to this blog, so I am hoping that Blog-cember will help motivate me and keep me on track.  So, wish me luck and stay tuned!

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