Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BOOB TUBE REVIEW: Private Practice "Blind Love" (Season 4, Episode 13)

As I said before in my Boob Tube Review for Grey's Anatomy, I am playing catch-up since I missed last Thursday's Grey's/Private Practice night.  In fact, I am further behind in Private Practice because I didn't see the episode before this one, "Heaven Can Wait."  Thankfully, uploads the last five episodes on its website, which makes it very convenient for me to watch when I get a chance.  So please excuse me if I seem to be getting Episodes 12 and 13 mixed-up with each other since I watched both one after the other.

Is it just me, or is Private Practice getting heavier and heavier?  First it was Charlotte's rape and now it is Addison trying to save Susan's life and then planning for a wedding when she still hasn't been able to come to terms with Bizzy coming out of the closet and divorcing the Captain.  After Episode 13, it looks like Addison's life will be getting a lot more complicated and heart wrenching.

After Susan collapses during her wedding dance with Bizzy, she is rushed to the hospital where Addison and hunky Dr. Rodriguez stabilize her.  Is it only me, or are you still pulling for Addison and Sam to emerge from the Dr. Rodriguez distraction?  Anyway, unlike Bizzy, Addison realizes that it is only a matter of time for Susan to die and knows that Susan signed a DNR.  Later, Susan gets a clot in her lung and while Bizzy pleads for Addison to do something, she lets Susan go without taking any heroic measures.  Bizzy is devastated.

Meanwhile, Pete asks Amelia for help with his patient who is a new mom wounded in combat.  Although Lizzie wants to raise her baby as a single parent after her boyfriend and father of her child dies in same explosion that wounded her, Amelia has doubts whether Lizzie can do so blind in one eye and with only blurred vision in the other.  Amelia will perform surgery on Lizzie to try to restore vision in her blurry eye, but calls Janet, the mother of the baby's deceased dad, to come and help with the baby.  Janet intends to take the baby back to San Diego with her if the surgery is unsuccessful.  After surgery, a jubilant Lizzie exclaims she can see everything, including Amelia's aqua scrub cap.  Janet is devastated knowing that Lizzie's restored vision means she will not be able to see her granddaughter, the only part of her son that she has left.  Amelia is livid with Pete when she quickly realizes by Lizzie's canned statements that the surgery was unsuccessful.  Pete coached Lizzie on what to say to ensure that Lizzie and the baby would remain together.  Pete admits to Janet that the surgery was unsuccessful and encourages Janet and Lizzie to make amends with each other and raise the baby together.

Just when Charlotte seems to be getting her life back to normal, especially with Cooper, Lee Henry, the man who raped her is urgently admitted to St. Ambrose with a knife in his chest.  Sam asks Charlotte and Cooper if he should do everything he can to save Lee as the knife is lodged in a dangerous part of his heart.  After almost storming into Lee's room, Cooper tells Sam to let Lee die.  Lee's girlfriend, the one who stabbed Lee, visits Charlotte in her hospital office and apologizes to her.  Charlotte questions the basis of the apology and Lee's girlfriend admits that she loves Lee and cannot leave him despite Charlotte's advice to take her son and run far away.

After talking with Naomi, Charlotte tells Sam to do whatever it takes to save Lee's life.  After surgery, Lee wakes up handcuffed to his hospital bed with Charlotte looking straight at him.  Charlotte tells Lee that his girlfriend told the police what he has done and that he will be going to jail.  Before she leaves his room, Charlotte tells Lee that she forgives him and does pity him.  When Cooper visits Charlotte in her hospital office where the rape happened, she tells Cooper that finally she sees her office as just an office.

Lastly, Addison visits her mother at the hotel where she finds Bizzy packing and wondering what she will do now since she left the life she knew back in Connecticut to marry Susan in California.  Although her family is not big on showing their emotions and affections, Addison tells Bizzy that she loves her and in return, Bizzy finally gives her daughter a hug.  Bizzy turns down Addison's offer to stay the night with her at the hotel and instead suggests that she come back for breakfast the next morning.  Later, Addison returns to her mother's room stating that she changed her mind and was intending to spend the night with Bizzy after all.  Tragically, Addison finds her mother laying motionless on the bed dressed in a black suit with several empty pill bottles on the night stand.  Bizzy leaves a note that states:

"Dear Addison,
The necklace is for you.  The money is for housekeeping.  Apologize to them for the inconvenience.  And, when people ask, tell them I died in my sleep.  The truth is too embarrassing."

The episode closes with Addison crying at her mother's bedside.

Next episode, Addison returns to Connecticut to bury her mother while holding a secret that Sam desperately tries to get Addison to relinquish.

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