Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BOOB TUBE REVIEW: Private Practice "Home Again" (Season 4, Episode 14)

The writers of Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice only skirted around Addison Forbes-Montgomery's wealthy background.  Episode 14 is the first time we take a longer look at Addison's privileged upbringing, which adds another interesting dimension to her character.

This episode picks up after Bizzy's death with Addison returning home to Connecticut.  At the airport, Sam offers to accompany Addison, but she assures him that she will be fine and boards the private jet in the same cold manner reminiscent of Bizzy.  Addison explains to Sam that Bizzy died of an aneurysm in her sleep, it happens all the time, and all she is doing is returning her back home.  On that statement, she pulls up her gloves and commands the aircraft staff to start loading the plane with luggage because the bags won't load themselves.  Sam lets her go, but wonders if he should have gone anyway.

Back at Oceanside, Sam asks the team if he made the right decision to let Addison leave by herself.  While the men support Sam's decision, the ladies think otherwise and start planning for everyone to join Addison in Connecticut.  Naomi asks Sam, "In all those years of marriage, did I really teach you nothing?"

The gang arrives at the Forbes-Montgomery Connecticut mansion and quickly realize that they are in a different world.  Addison greets her colleagues at the door, again reflecting her mother's cold demeanor by saying, "Hello, Thank you for coming.  Won't you come in for a drink?"  They are greeted by the Captain who is disappointed that Violet couldn't make the trip.  Remember when Violet and the Captain had a fling the last time he was in California to visit Addison?  Archer greets them, especially Naomi who quickly backs away from his attempt to greet her with a big hug and kiss.  Archer tries to play the grievance card when Naomi quickly reminds him that the last time she saw him, he climbed out her bed and disappeared.  Remember when Charlotte and Archer hooked up?  There was no real indication of that previous rendezvous in this scene.  Archer then insists that the whole gang stay at the mansion.

Meanwhile, Violet and Sheldon stay behind in California to deal with a patient scheduled for execution and his wife who is fighting for another appeal and stay of execution.  Violet is having a difficult time getting her patient, Hillary to accept her husband's imminent execution while Sheldon's patient, Brett (Hilary's husband) admits that he is guilty as sin.  Brett tells Sheldon that even though he doesn't want to tell Hillary and his son the truth, he would rather have them hate him instead of the world as Hillary continues to fight tooth and nail to delay his execution.  Violet is shocked when Sheldon tells her that Brett did the crime and wants to come clean.  She visits Hillary and finds her desperately trying to get a stay of execution.  Violet tries to get her to accept the inevitable, but Hillary is in complete denial.

In Connecticut, Addison finds out that Bizzy already planned her funeral.  The Captain volunteers to deliver the eulogy, but the funeral director announces that Bizzy requested Addison perform it instead.  Afterwards, the Captain asks the gang aloud how all these doctors could let his wife die without a fight.  Addison reminds her father that Bizzy suffered a fast heart attack alone, so there was nothing any of them could have done.  Sam asks Addison that he thought it was an aneurysm, not a heart attack.  She covers her tracks and says she's tired and needs to rest.

Sam follows Addison and finds her staring at Susan's urn sitting on top of her dresser.  Addison reminisces about medical school and the cadavers they worked on during gross anatomy.  She tells Sam that when she dies, she will donate her body to science.  She then picks up Susan's urn to take it to another room because she doesn't think she will be able to sleep with it in her room.  In the process of getting another glass of wine, Addison bumps into Charlotte in the kitchen.  Charlotte tells Addison that she knows Bizzy committed suicide, but promises to keep it a secret.  She tells Addison to speak from the heart and say whatever the hell she wants when she delivers Bizzy's eulogy the next day.  She explains that funerals are not for the dead, they are for the living.

Meanwhile, Archer asks Naomi if she cares that Sam and Addison are an item.  While she admits that their relationship bothers her, she realizes that it is out of her control and she chooses not to be bitter about it.  Archer pulls Naomi close to him and kisses her.  The next morning, Addison knocks on her brother's bedroom door to find Naomi in bed with Archer.  Archer reminds Addison that they are both consenting adults.  Addison coldly reminds him that black would be an appropriate choice to wear for the funeral.

In California, Violet, Sheldon, Hillary, and Brett meet where Brett admits to his wife that he killed Paul Miller.  Hillary reacts by laughing hysterically and then leaves despite Brett's pleas for forgiveness.  Sheldon explains that Hillary needs time to process what she just heard, but Brett explains that he doesn't have much time left.  Violet finds a frantic Hillary who explains to Violet that Brett had one bad moment at the bar, but that should not erase all the good things that her husband did.  Violet tells Hillary that it is time for her to accept that Brett is going to die and see him before he is executed.  Instead, Hillary says she has to go somewhere and asks Violet to come with her.

Hillary and Violet visit the wife of the man that Brett killed.  Hillary admits to Mrs. Miller that Brett killed her husband.  Mrs. Miller tells Hillary that she already knew that, but it was Hillary that refused to accept it.  Hillary then pleads to Mrs. Miller to ask the Governor for a stay of execution; explaining that she just needs more time.  After showing Hillary pictures of her children, Mrs. Miller explains that after her husband died, she has been the one to take care of everything by herself and she will continue to take care of everything until the day she dies.  She tells Hillary that she can't give her anymore time because Brett took away the time her husband could have spent with her and her kids.

Meanwhile, Brett nervously paces up and down waiting to see Hillary before he is prepped for execution.  Hillary is still not there and he is worried that she won't show up.  Sheldon assures Brett that he will be there with him through it all as the prison guards take Brett away.  As they sit in the car, Violet tells Hillary that although she doesn't have to go in to watch the execution, she needs to accept that Brett will be dying that night.  Hillary rushes into the prison demanding to see her husband before he is executed.  The prison guard tells her that he is already prepped and allowed no outside contact.  Realizing that the only way Hillary can see her husband now is by watching him be executed, she pulls Hillary aside and explains that it is not whether she is strong enough (Violet thinks she is one of the strongest people she has ever had the honor to know), but whether she wants to.  Hillary pulls herself together and joins Sheldon to witness the execution.  Brett sees his wife and accepts his fate as well as Hillary.

At Bizzy's funeral, Addison goes against Charlotte's advice and delivers a rather cold and emotionless eulogy consisting of a list of Bizzy's community accomplishments.  At the reception, Cooper offers Sam some advice and tells him that when Charlotte's father died, she beat him up because he was close and he was safe.  If Sam wants to help Addison heal, Cooper suggests that he push back a little.  Sam goes upstairs and confronts Addison and demands to hear the real eulogy rather than the "stepford waspy" one.  Despite her push back, she finally breaks down and lets her pain out while Sam holds her in his arms.

Meanwhile, a drunk Captain approaches Pete and starts asking again about Violet.  When Amelia tries to settle the tension between the two men, the Captain unexpectedly tries to take a swing at Pete to only stumble and fall.  Pete patches up the Captain's cut forehead and advises him to stop taking his prescribed tranquilizers.  Pete tells him that Addison and Archer just lost their mother and are hurting, and now is the time when they need their father the most.  However, Pete says that the Captain can't be a father if he is too stoned and drunk.  The Captain admits that he is hurting too and was happy when he found out that Susan was sick.  After Susan died, he begged Bizzy to come back home so that they could be together; not to be romantic, but just so that they wouldn't have to live alone.  Pete extends his condolences.

Addison finds Archer outside drunk and opening another bottle of booze.  Addison tells Archer that Bizzy didn't die of an aneurysm or heart attack, but instead killed herself by taking a bottle of pills.  Bizzy wasn't selfish, but was broken with grief after Susan died.  It didn't mean that she didn't love Addison or Archer, but could not think and was drowning.  If Addison could have told the truth, that's what she would've said.

The next day, Addison places Susan's urn in Bizzy's coffin and kisses her mother goodbye.  At the burial, Archer finally embraces his grief and breaks down.  The Captain takes his arm and extends it around both his children as Bizzy's coffin is lowered.

Next episode, Charlotte and Cooper try to forgive each other while Naomi is still battling with her anger about Addison and Sam's relationship.

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