Wednesday, March 30, 2011

RAMBLE: The Dentist

SOURCE: Microsoft
I just got done with my six-month cleaning at the dentist this morning.  I don't have a fear of going to the dentist, but it is not high on my list of places to visit either.

As a kid, I used to dread seeing my dentist because of the fluoride treatments.  I loathed the moment when he would pour that gooey fluoride into the dental trays and place one up top and the other on the bottom row of teeth.  He would offer me the choice of grape or bubble gum flavored goo; like that was going to make the whole ordeal better.  It didn't matter what I chose because both tasted horrible.  From then on, for what seemed like an eternity, I would be left stranded on the dental chair as my teeth soaked in the fluoride goo with a suction straw perched in between the two trays.  Despite the icky flavor and uncomfortable wait, those fluoride treatments worked because I didn't have cavities as a kid.

Nowadays, kids don't have to go through these treatments.  I don't know what dentists do to help kids prevent cavities, but with all the advancements in dentistry, I am sure these treatments are more kid-friendly than the fluoride goo.  In fact, nowadays, kids see pediatric dentists who specialize in children's teeth.  Pediatric dentists have kid-friendly offices with tools and machines that are not so intimidating and scary.  Hmm...maybe that's what I need because as an adult, I am still a bit apprehensive about seeing the dentist.  I just feel so vulnerable sitting in the dentist chair with my mouth gaping open with a suction straw hanging from the corner of my mouth as a dental hygienist scrapes, pokes, and prods around in my mouth.  The part that I hate the most is the scraping...[shudder].  I compare it to nails on a chalkboard!

So, you can imagine my apprehension this morning as I checked in for my regularly scheduled six-month check-up and cleaning.  However, I was pleased when the dental hygienist pulled out the water pick to clean my teeth!  HALLELUJAH!  No scraping, no poking, and no reactionary shudders!  Of course, she needed to do a little clean-up afterwards with her tools, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

The best thing about today's visit?  No cavities!

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