Sunday, December 11, 2011

RAMBLE: Coffee Addict

A fresh cup of 100% Kona coffee at Orchids at the Halekulani
I admit it.  I have a problem.  I am addicted to coffee.  It has come to the point where if I don't have a cup of java, I develop a nagging headache, my mind is a little fuzzy, and...well...I am a wee bit grumpy.

This morning I woke up with a splitting headache that a couple of extra strength Tylenol caplets did not help.  I had a brunch to attend this morning, so I didn't have time to nurse my headache with a few more hours of sleep.  Besides, I knew the real reason behind my headache:  Lack of my morning cup of coffee.

My addiction is actually not that terrible when you consider that studies find that a cup of coffee a day helps prevent strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and certain cancers.  It's not like I am popping No Doze pills in addition to my morning java, or drinking gallons of coffee a day to keep the shakes away.  However, I admit that I am better off with my daily cup of coffee than without.

Needless to say, after my cup of coffee at brunch, my headache became a thing of the past.  The cobwebs cleared and I started to speak a little more cognitively.  I guess for now, my morning cup of java and I will be attached to the hip.  Sounds like a happy coexistence to me!

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